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Call Consulting Science to organize and launch innovative programs like these that elevate your brand, advance your strategic plan, and win the loyalty and admiration of your members for a stronger future. 
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Global Remote Presentations

Dr. Harwell was a key member of the Development/Implementation team for a new global outreach program bringing the American Chemical Society's career and professional development offerings to university students around the world. From live virtual presentations to students (actual Malaysia workshop shown, left) to producing downloadable video assets, the outreach strengthened ACS' position as the world's leading society for chemists and opened doors for international membership. 


With diversity a critical priority in STEM, Dr. Harwell collaborated with colleagues at several scientific associations (APS, ACS, AAS, and MRS) to build bridges between scientific professional societies, major STEM employers, academic researchers, and the academic admissions community to ensure that underrepresented minority and women students have the opportunity to advance in their chosen field.  Harwell's efforts secured commitments for admissions and also financial aid for these students.  These efforts are funded through a generous grant from the National Science Foundation.

Campaign Pitch

As Director of American Geophysical Union's Talent Pool programs, Dr. Harwell cultivated multiple collaborative partners to develop a multidisciplinary virtual Mentorship program to meet the changing needs os students and scientists in the Earth and space sciences. The project involved creating the registration platform, guidelines for mentors and mentees, launch and promotional plan, plus and in-person Mentoring 365 Live opportunity during AGU Fall Meetings.  Mentoring365 is available only to AGU and its partner association members; therefore, it serves as an avenue for membership growth.

Helping Entrepreneur Scientists

One of the most ambitious programs ever launched at American Chemical Society, Dr. Harwell designed the Entrepreneurial Initiative to incubate the innovations of chemists in small business, providing the knowledge to build their company, the connections to invest in their products, and the opportunities to profit from their scientific ingenuity. Harwell cultivated sponsors, organized workshops, and executed a multichannel marketing plan to make the Entrepreneurial Initiative a resounding success, winning an ASAE Summit Award in 2012.

Kids Blowing Bubbles

Taking leadership of the American Chemical Society's Office of Community Activities, Dr. Harwell conceptualized, developed, and published informal education curricula with hands-on activities for children and their parents, demonstrating concepts and lessons of basic science. He followed this with the launch of an annual Chemists Celebrate Earth Day program, mobilizing the passion of ACS volunteers in local sections, student chapters, technical divisions, businesses, and schools to demonstrate the  positive role that chemistry plays in the world.

Team Meeting

Recognizing that industry chemists needed the opportunity to collaborate on noncompetitive issues, Dr. Harwell facilitated Industry Roundtables to provide neutral ground for discussing shared challenges. The Roundtable's value was quickly realized when several companies united to negotiate a common software template from one developer, saving all companies thousands of dollars over individual custom databases. The program also generated revenue for American Chemical Society, as companies enrolled in order to have a seat at the table.

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